Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Since I started living here in The Middle East, my skin has been dry, like the desert - literally, its dehydrated, dull, flaky, and I broke out (a lot)!  I tried a lot of moisturizer and even petroleum jelly with no significant effect.

Then, I came across this new craze - SNAIL secretion. Eww right, but I am really in need of something to hydrate my skin, so I'm willing to try it! I searched for the best one in the market and I found many raves about Mizon All-In-One Snail Repair Cream and Gel -- whoa!, all-in-one and repair, just what I needed! I bought this item on Ebay F2plus1. It is kind of expensive, around 20 USD (approximately 75 SAR) at the time i bought it, but it includes a 120 ml of the cream and 45 ml snail gel.

So what are the claims of this All-In-One Repair 
Snail Cream?

MIZON:  The All-In-One Snail Repair Cream hydrates, helps improve the appearance of fine lines, and helps reduce the appearance of acne scarring and blemishes. Try it to see what all the buzz is about. Ideal for oily and acne-prone to combination skin types. Appropriate for dry skin if used under a heavier cream.
Snail secretion filtrate: Snail secretion filtrate is known for its anti-aging and skin repairing properties that improves the overall texture and skin tone of the face, it makes up 92% of this product.
Centella Asiatica Extract: Extracted from the Centella asiatica herb, this ingredient is  traditionally used to treat damaged skin, which is proven to speed the process of healing damaged skin and to fade scars. Since the herb is antibacterial and contains wound-healing properties, it is perfect for those who are suffering from acne and/or acne scars.

The first time I used this, I felt some stingy sensation in some parts of my face, but no redness or itchiness. The consistency is sticky, I believe it is because of the high concentration of snail secretion in it - slimy. It is easily absorbed by the skin. The best thing about this is that upon waking up in the morning, my skin is so plump, glowing, and looks really hydrated - it's literally like magic!! Another thing i noticed is that my breakouts slowly disappeared and never came back as worse as before, and also, my pimple marks and blemishes lightens, they are still there but not as dark as they used to be. - amazing right!?

I have been using this nonstop 2x a day, a little goes a long way so the 120 ml tub lasts me about 6 months (I am already on my second tub, and about to order my third).

I can really say that it is the best skin care I ever bought. I really recommend this to all of you, this is legit! their claims are real!

Snails may be slow, but the effect of their secretions are fast and magical!

As Pumba once said,

*An update on the stinging sensation I felt. I noticed that I only have this feeling in some areas in my face, and these areas are the ones that are really dry and flaky, and sometimes around my pimples too.I, therefore, believe that it is the healing effect of the cream and not an adverse reaction as it goes away after the cream is absorbed, so no worries guys!!*

till next time, #skinserye

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